It’s been over five years since I last posted. Initially I posted to promote my novel Drunken Duck along with some other observations and writing exercises. I did a little posting about weight control and weight reduction goals (208 to 175) but went from 208 to 218 and perhaps due to lack of sales of my novel quit posting (perhaps a slight depression taking over).
I took up watching the news and following politics with the accompaning political rhetoric and found myself harking back to my military days during the Vietnam War. I found myself once again becoming incensed over the deep seated corruption, lies, and propaganda coming from the media, both parties (sorry, especially the Democrats, Obomoites, and Clintonistas) and the brain-dead zombies on the talk shows, news shows, late shows, daytime shows, ad nauseam. Having gone through the University system in the sixties I already knew intellectual pursuit was being overtaken by ideology and, of course, fifty years later it has reached moronic levels.
So I pretty much stopped following the news other than in a mildly cursory fashion, and spend time watching food shows, collegiate sports, soccer, mixed martial art competitions, some boxing, and a few movies when I’m not reading a novel.
However, what I do everyday is read up on nutrition, healthy food choices, seeds and herbs, vitamins and minerals (from natural sources and supplements), portion control, methods of control from dieting to meditation to fasting and the like. In 2017 I put together my own program finding all other programs lacking something in regard to my specific needs and personality. I now weigh between 160 and 165 and have been at that plateau for over six months. So today I decided to start posting again and share tidbits of my own journey from overweight (which would have lead to obesity) to my present day weight.
I’m not a Doctor or an expert by any means but I know what works for me. The number one thing that works for me in first reducing then keeping weight off is Discipline.
A Navy veteran, I served in Japan and on the USS Kitty Hawk during the Vietnam War earning Vietnam and National Defense Service Medals. In 1977 with an MA in Psychology I went on to become VP of Sales in a 350 store retail company. Drunken Duck, a coming-of-age or libido ergo sum story of Love and War, is available w/synopsis at sites below (just double-click on the http://). I live in Chandler, AZ and for a signed copy or a book club presentation you can contact me at
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